Avoid a Mid-Semester Slump: How to Keep Your Grades Up

Kris Harris
3 min readOct 2, 2024


Classes are well underway, and teachers are presenting new information and concepts. Lessons are building on topics you previously learned or expanding into different areas. It is important that you keep up with your studies so that you don’t fall behind and your grades don’t begin suffering. Even though report cards are still a few weeks away, you don’t want to find yourself scrambling to find ways to raise your grade or complete missing work at the last minute.

Here are a few ways to keep your grades up throughout the semester:

Actively participate in your classes. Sitting and passively listening does not help you to retain information as well as when you are engaged. Contribute to discussions, ask questions, and volunteer for activities. Make sure you are paying attention, focusing on what is being taught, and getting clarification if there are things you don’t understand.

Take thorough notes. Find a note-taking strategy that works best for you, whether that is the Cornell method, using a graphic organizer, creating an outline, doing a mind map, or something else you find beneficial. Take time before your next class starts, during study hall, or after school to add additional details you may have forgotten.

Write down assignments. Use a planner to keep track of all of your assignments, homework, projects, and tests, and when they are due. Even if you think you will remember, write it down immediately. This can help you stay organized and make sure nothing gets overlooked, and everything is completed on time.

Read directions. One of the easiest ways to lose points on a project or test is by making a careless mistake because you didn’t follow directions. Read carefully to ensure you are answering what the question is asking or adhering to instructions. If you are provided a rubric, double-check that your assignment meets all requirements and criteria. Review your work before you turn it in to catch any errors and improve your score.

Manage your time. Make a list of everything you need to do for the day and prioritize tasks from most important to least important. Balance your schedule so that you have time for homework and studying amongst your other obligations. If you feel there isn’t enough time to get everything done, you may need to consider cutting back on the number of activities you are involved in so you can focus on your schoolwork. Also make changes to reduce distractions and work more efficiently.

Work with a friend. Find someone in each of your classes that you can share and compare notes with or ask questions about assignments. If there is an upcoming test, study together so you can motivate and support one another while also making sure you have the correct information.

Do extra credit. If there are bonus questions or extra credit activities, do them if time allows. At least make an effort because those additional few points can make a positive difference in your grade.

Get tutoring. Ask for help if there are subjects or skills you are struggling with. A tutor can help close knowledge gaps, present information in a different way, and reinforce key concepts. You can get one-on-one support tailored to your needs so that you can stay on track and perform your best.

Contact Crafting Scholars to learn more about available programs and how we work with each student to maximize their potential. Don’t let your grades start slipping; be proactive and get the help you need.

Originally published at https://craftingscholars.com on October 2, 2024.



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