Could Your Child Benefit from Tutoring?
Let’s face it: Academics have changed since many adults were in school. Now there is “new math” and project-based learning and a plethora of educational technology. It can be hard to keep up with what your kids are learning and how it is being taught. And, honestly, every child is different. Just because your oldest child was an advanced reader doesn’t necessarily mean subsequent children will be. Each child has their own strengths and abilities, but they’re all required to learn the same basic information.
That’s where tutoring comes in. Recognizing that your child could benefit from some extra support and guidance can help them to perform better in school. They may not get straight As, but they’ll have a stronger grasp on strategies, skills, and resources that can help them be successful.
Unsure whether your child could benefit from tutoring? Here are a few key signs to be alert for:
Schoolwork has become a battle. Does your child become easily frustrated with certain subjects? Do they frequently have missing, late, or incomplete assignments? This could be a sign that they are struggling with the material and need it presented in a different way — which a tutor can do. Tutors can work with them on targeted strategies to improve comprehension and make sense of difficult concepts. You may confuse their frustration for laziness or lack of caring, when really they’re having trouble keeping up.
Their grades are slipping. Is your child usually a whiz at math but suddenly their test scores are dropping? It may be due to a particular topic or skill. They may not be having trouble in every area but just one or two. A tutor can identify their areas of need and create an individualized plan to work on these competencies.
You have a tight schedule. Have you taken on extra responsibilities at work and have less time to focus on homework help or studying with your child? Scheduling tutoring sessions can give them the extra attention and assistance they need to reinforce skills, boost motivation, and stay on track. Plus, tutors are already deeply familiar with subject knowledge you may have long since forgotten.
Your child has a tight schedule. If your child is balancing school, sports, and extracurriculars, a tutor can improve their time management skills and organization and help them make the most of the time they do have. This could include creating a study or project schedule, learning how to break down complex activities into smaller parts, or studying more effectively.
They have test anxiety. Your child may do great on their schoolwork and in class, but when it comes to tests, they get anxious and don’t perform their best. With test prep help, they can feel more confident preparing for and taking exams and showing what they know. They can learn techniques to relax and stay positive before a test as well.
Tutors do so much more than just tackle content knowledge. They work with your child on a variety of skills that all impact their learning from organization and time management to studying and test prep. Whether your child is an overperformer, underperformer, or somewhere in the middle, tutoring can help them maximize their academic performance. Contact Crafting Scholars today to learn more and set your child up with a tutoring plan that fits their needs.