How to Improve Your Child’s Problem-Solving Skills

Kris Harris
3 min readMar 10, 2021

Problem solving is a skill that will benefit children not just now, but for the rest of their lives. No matter their age, they will be faced with issues they need to figure out how to work through. Teaching and supporting them as they grow will help to build a strong foundation and give them more confidence in their own abilities.

Tackle Problems One Step at a Time

Help your child learn how to break down problems so they can come up with an effective solution. Whether they are having difficulty with a class in school, want to get on the soccer team, or keep forgetting to turn in assignments, the steps to find a solution are similar:

· Identify what the problem is. Have them put the issue into words and talk it out.

· Brainstorm solutions. Encourage them to create a list of different ways they could solve it. Remind them that there isn’t always just one right answer. They can achieve the same results following many different paths, so write down whatever they think might work.

· Weigh options. Compare each idea and the pros and cons. What is realistic? Are they actually able to follow through? What might the positive and negative results be?

· Take action. Let them pick what they think is the best solution and try it out. If it doesn’t work, they can always try another one.

Give Your Child Space and Independence

Resist the urge to jump in and solve every challenge for your child. They don’t have as much life experience, so it might take them more time to figure out what to do. Give them that space. Let them try different solutions and see what happens. You won’t always be there to do things for them, so help them build their independence and realize that they can solve problems on their own.

Allow for Natural Consequences

Not every decision your child makes will be the best one, but they have to learn from their choices. Instead of stepping in and preventing something negative from happening, let them experience the natural consequences (as long as they remain safe). Forgot their homework even though they were supposed to put it in their backpack? Maybe they’ll remember tonight. Didn’t study for their test because they wanted to hang out with friends? Receiving a poor grade may be motivation for next time.

Set a Positive Example

When you’re faced with challenges, let your child see you work through them. Ask for their advice about what they think you should do. Brainstorm solutions together. Tell them why you picked the solution you did and how it turned out. Discuss what you could do differently next time if it didn’t go as planned.

Be Supportive

Children are faced with opportunities every single day to problem solve in all aspects of their lives. Be supportive and guide them through the process while also letting them take the lead and become more independent.

If they are struggling to stay organized in school or understand certain concepts, get them the help they need to be more successful at Crafting Scholars. Our learning specialists work one-on-one with students to develop their skills and focus on individual areas of need. Show your child that it is okay to ask for help when they need it, and that can be part of solving the problem. Learn more about available services by contacting Crafting Scholars today!



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