Tackling Test Anxiety

Kris Harris
3 min readOct 12, 2023


It is normal to feel nervous before a test, but usually those feelings resolve once you start the exam. But if you feel sick, your palms get sweaty, your heart starts to race, and you get an overall sense of dread, you may be experiencing test anxiety. This anxiety can interfere with your ability to do your best. Fortunately, there are ways you can fight back against test anxiety and boost your confidence.

Start Studying Early

Don’t wait until the last minute to begin preparing for an exam. Slowly start reviewing your notes, answering practice questions, and studying the material several days before the test date. This will give you time to figure out what concepts you know well and where you need to focus more effort. Break down units or chapters into smaller chunks of similar information so you don’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of content you have to cover.

Ask Plenty of Questions

Find out as much as you can about the test. What will the format be? What topics will be included? Also, if you start studying early, you have plenty of time to ask for clarification on anything you may be confused about or not understand. Jot down questions as you’re reviewing so you don’t forget and get the answers you need before the test.

Create a Positive Mantra

Have a key phrase or two in mind that you can repeat to yourself if you start feeling nervous, such as, “I am prepared, and I can do this.” Remind yourself of the hard work you have put in already, and that you know the information. You have done everything you can to prepare, so now it’s just a matter of showing what you know.

Fuel Your Body

Go to bed early the night before the test so that you are well rested, and your mind has a chance to process everything you have learned. It won’t do you any good to show up tired and unable to focus; in fact, that can make you feel even more anxious. Eat a nutritious breakfast beforehand as well. You don’t want to be distracted by your grumbling stomach and wondering when lunch is.

Build Effective Test Taking Skills

Developing helpful strategies and approaches for test taking can reduce the stress you feel as well. This includes things like:

  • Reading the directions carefully so you understand what you are being asked to do.
  • Skipping questions that are hard or you don’t understand and coming back to them later.
  • Eliminating answers you know are incorrect.
  • Not second guessing yourself and repeatedly changing your answers; go with your first instinct.
  • Ignore what others around you are doing and focus on your own work.

Practice Calming Methods

Before you start the test, take a few deep breaths to slow your body and mind. Say kind words to yourself to boost your confidence. You’ve done everything you can to prepare, so it is not worth stressing yourself out. Sometimes writing down your thoughts and doing a “brain dump” right before the test can help improve your focus and calm your nerves.

Empower Yourself Over Your Test Anxiety

Crafting Scholars helps students develop effective study and test taking skills so they can reduce the nervousness and anxiety they feel. Learning specialists also work with students on specific course content and test preparation to review essential information and reinforce key concepts. Don’t let the test monster get the best of you — contact Crafting Scholars to learn more about available programs.

Originally published at https://craftingscholars.com on October 12, 2023.



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