Turning Around Negative Thinking About Math

Kris Harris
3 min readJul 8, 2021

Math is a subject that many people either love or hate. It is something that people either feel they are good at doing, or bad at doing. But like so many other things in life, math is a skill that can be learned and requires practice. Just because a child may struggle does not mean that they are doomed to be poor at math for the rest of their life.

It’s time to turn around their negative thinking and boost their confidence.

Pay attention to your own thoughts about math. If your child constantly hears you saying that you’re not good at math or don’t like it, then they may also begin to have similar beliefs about themselves. Acknowledge that math can be hard, and that it is okay to ask for help. Research how to solve problems together so they can see how you approach challenges and don’t give up.

Praise their effort. One of the anxieties that many children have about math is that answers tend to be right or wrong. Wrong answers can take a toll on their self-esteem. Remind them that is okay to make mistakes, and that is how we learn. There are often multiple ways to get to the right answer. Figuring out what went wrong can help them to not make the same mistake again. Praise them for the steps they got right, and for the strategies they used to solve the problem.

Value practice. If your child gets the answer wrong, encourage them to try again. Talk about other activities they thought were hard at first, but once they continued to practice, they got better. The same applies to math: practice makes progress. Find fun ways to practice key skills such as games, activities, or friendly competition.

Make real-world connections. Negative thinking can also stem from the idea that what they are doing in class is not something they will ever use in real life. Or, problems are difficult to understand because they are unrelatable. Reframe their thinking by connecting the material to something that does make sense to or interest them. You can also use tangible items when possible so they have something to physically manipulate.

Let them be the teacher. When your child gets frustrated with a problem, have them try to explain what they are doing to you. See if they can teach you the steps, or figure out where you made a mistake solving the problem. They may be surprised to realize they understand it better than they thought. Talking things through out loud and going step by step can help concepts to click.

Work with a tutor. Sometimes students learn better when information is presented in a different way. Tutoring can reinforce key skills, clear up misconceptions, and boost your child’s confidence by teaching a variety of strategies for solving problems. A learning specialist can tailor lessons to your child’s strengths and learning style.

If your child is struggling in math or could benefit from boosting their confidence, Crafting Scholars can help. Our learning specialists create custom curriculum aligned with your child’s needs, goals, and learning style to enhance their success. Get your child back on track and prepared for more advanced math courses with personalized tutoring. Contact us today to get started!

Originally published at https://craftingscholars.com.



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